Cycle maadi

Hey you die hard fans of Bangalore (Bengaluru). Wanna contribute yourself to save Bangalore and its environment? Go head, get the dust off your old sports shoe, oil the rusty chains of your bicycle and hit the roads. Yes! I am talking about going green. No you don’t have to cycle all the way to your work place, Just cycle in your neighborhood or in your sprawling IT campus(if you are in one !!)

Where to cycle to?

  • Cycle to the milk booth
  • Cycle to the grocery shop
  • Cycle to the barber shop for your Sunday haircut
  • Cycle early morning for at least 15 min to stay fit
  • Cycle to gopal gowdru’s shop for the daily news paper
  • Cycle to get-together with your friends at your favorite adda

For some inspiration check the following link
